If your current wellness program includes searching for plane tickets as a calorie burner, you’ll welcome these indulgent – and practical – healthy travel options. Travelers have moved beyond seeking only pampering and beauty to planning epic transformational wellness vacations and making sure they are covered with travel protection.

The new trends? Think, a bit of extravagance paired with endurance and a dose of the outdoors. This style of blended wellness is fueling changing wellness trends and consumer travel protection demands. Whether you enjoy these in more private settings or from your digital wellness space, these accessible choices will satisfy your pandemic-escape restlessness.

Fit Camps

For the more active-minded traveler, fit camps and wellness body holidays provide a well-rounded getaway. Focused on results every guest can choose their level of immersion from Tai Chi, to windsurfing or the quadrathlon – a combination of running, hiking, biking, and kayaking to improve endurance at The Body Holiday, St Lucia. More people are embracing active holidays as they desire improved self-care and learning new skills they can integrate into their daily lifestyles. Want a personal trainer, and sun, sand, fit getaway? Try Active Escapes, Paros, Greece meant to make lasting change led by trained fitness professionals. Activating your muscles will definitely take your mind off of your vacation-deprived body. Still, stuck at home? Try the online training app from Alomoves.com.

Food as Medicine

Our current reality seems to have us bombarded with too much screen time and overpriced takeaway meals. That means a lowered immune system and diminished longevity. One of the simplest changes we can make to our personal wellness is through diet. That is another reason wellness travelers are seeking getaways that include a holistic outlook with meals that heal.  Booking a retreat in remote locations like Finca de Vida, Nicoya, Costa Rica provides a field table with fresh food that rebuilds your cells from the inside out. It includes plenty of rejuvenation time. Can’t get away but still want healthy choices? Order detox systems online at Live Beaming.

Wilderness Wellness

Our connection to the outdoors has been a focus of cultures around the world since time immemorial. A rise in buzzwords like forest bathing and Ikigai (ick-ee-guy) – concepts of grounding ourselves in nature -are feeding the wellness boom and more candid conversations about our natural environments. Now wellness brands are providing a host of options that get you up-close-and-personal with nature, just make sure you have protected yourself with trip insurance. Options like Wild Adventure Wellness retreats pair outdoor survival training skills and endurance challenges with a pampering yoga style retreat while Safari retreats can take you to the savannahs of Africa for wildlife and wellness.  Dreaming of closer to home options? Head over to your laptop to experience the wilds with Explore live cams.

Virtual Medicine & Wellness Apps

Priorities have changed during the several years and physical and mental wellness has taken center stage. Part of that value has made virtual medicine and wellness apps more accessible and price-friendly. Instead of spending our lives searching, worrying, and coveting the health and wellness we want, we can reach out to health-conscious brands anywhere, anytime. And right about now, some are feeling the extra stress of those added covid-pounds or coping with lost celebrations and holidays. All with a price tag on our wellness. Tap into virtual and at-home solutions to renew your sense of self with detailed sleep health tracking by the Sleep Space App, or body bio-hacking with Viome to measure gut health and wellness on a molecular level. Need something a little more interactive? Find an online coach with certified therapists with Lumia coaching.

We encourage you to stay safe and travel including masks as needed, social distancing, and travel insurance protection.