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General Travel Insurance FAQs
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Cheapest Travel Insurance for over 70?
We offer Travel Insurance plans for everyone’s budget. We offer exclusive Good/Better/Best Plans to choose from that are all underwritten by Nationwide, an AM…
Does Travel Insurance cover for over 75yrs old?
Yes our plans offer travel insurance for those who are 75Yrs old. You can buy our Trip plans up to 100 years old. Our exclusive Plans are Underwritten by…
Travel Insurance for over 75yrs old?
Yes our plans offer travel insurance for those who are 75 yrs old. You can actually buy our Trip plans up to 100 years old ! Which makes you lucky for a couple…
I’m Traveling with a friend. Can I add my friend or someone not living with me to my travel insurance plan?
Yes you can. If you reside in the same state and are traveling together you can enroll in a single plan even if you are not living together. However, if your traveling…
How do I determine the amount to insure for my Trip?
Trip Insurance covers your non refundable costs. Take all those costs that are non refundable and total them together to determine the amount to insure.
If I buy Travel Insurance can I cancel my trip for any reason?
Only if you buy the optional benefit CFAR (Cancel For Any Reason). CFAR allows you to cancel your entire trip two (2) or more days before your scheduled…
What does Trip Insurance cover?
Generally travel insurance protects your non refundable costs if you have to cancel your trip for a covered reason, offers coverage if your trip is interrupted, covers…
What are the benefits with Travel Insurance?
There are many benefits and protections to travelers. Generally travel insurance protects your non refundable costs if you have to cancel your trip for a covered…
Why should I buy Travel Insurance?
Trip Plans are worth paying the premium in order to have financial protection from the losses you may incur before or during a trip. Beyond protecting your trips…
Is Covering my trip with Insurance worth it? Why should I buy Travel Insurance?
It depends. Each plan is different and the claims paying history of the Insurance Company which underwrites the plan is important. Some plans out there are very…
What are the 3 main benefits available with Travel Insurance?
Trip and Travel Insurance can be intertwined or mean different things. For TME Travel Insurance we offer three Trip Protection Plans that include coverage to…
Should I get trip insurance for only my flight or cruise costs?
You can. But you will typically have better benefits and limits buying from a company like TME Travel Insurance, where comprehensive coverage with higher…
Tell me about Trip Cancellation insurance with AMEX, Visa or Mastercard?
They may include some coverage. You should call them directly and ask specifically what may be covered. But similar to the limitations of adding trip cancellation…
Can I insure just my excursion and not my flight or do I have to insure my entire trip?
You can. You will be covered up to the amount you insure (per person/up to the max for that plan) for a covered Trip Cancellation. It is typically best to insure…
How do I determine my ‘trip cost’ amount?
You take all your prepaid non refundable costs for your trip (excursion, air, hotel, ect) and add them together. That is your total trip cost. Trip costs are per…
Is it cheaper to buy travel insurance separately from the airlines and cruise lines?
No, it is usually less expensive and much less complex and time consuming to buy one policy that will cover all your covered expenses.
How long does it take to get a Travel insurance quote?
Get a quote in 2 minutes, plus 2 minutes to issue your own policy online using our state-of-the-art quoting platform.
What is the difference between Travel insurance companies?
We only use the best insurance underwriters in the industry . When you have a covered claim, we don’t want anything less than a stellar claims service for our…
What if I simply decide not to go on a trip and the reason is not for a covered reason like loss of my job, injury, or sickness?
Trip cancellations and trip interruptions due to known, foreseeable, or expected events, or fear of travel are generally not covered unless you add the ‘Cancel For…
How much does trip insurance typically cost?
While travel insurance costs vary, the average is somewhere between 4-8% of your total trip cost. If you’re on the fence, then consider this: an emergency can cost…
Does travel insurance really work?
Though you may pay 4 to 8 percent of your trip cost for travel insurance, travel insurance is often worth the investment for its potential to help reimburse you for…
How long before my trip should you get travel insurance?
Buy travel insurance as soon as you know your travel dates and immediately after making your initial payment for your trip. See more on this in our Trip…
Are travel insurance costs based on age?
Travel insurance costs, like any other kind of insurance, are based on risk. Because older travelers are more at risk for health problems, the cost of travel insurance…
What is the most common travel insurance claim?
Although travel insurance offers protection for unexpected trip cancellation, delay or interruption along with medical expenses and evacuation for emergency…
What travel insurance plans do you offer?
We offer three trip insurance plans (Good/Choice, Better/Preferred, Best/Elite) that offer benefits when a trip is canceled, delayed, or interrupted, and includes…
What amount of my trip costs do I insure?
You need to insure the total amount of your nonrefundable trip costs, plus airfare to recover possible flight cancellation fees to get the most benefits and qualify for the coverage.
What documents do I need to purchase a travel insurance plan?
Our online quote to purchase process is straightforward and usually takes 5 minutes to complete. You will need to know your travel dates, the date you made your…
Can I add a friend or someone not living with me to a travel insurance plan?
Although most people in different households purchase their own plans, if you reside in the same state and are traveling together you can enroll in a single plan…
What is the Travel Assistance that is covered under all your plans?
A 24-hour 7 day a week Travel Assistance non insurance service is available through our assistance provider, On Call International. We provide this service to all our TME Travel…
Do you provide coverage for any destination in the world?
Almost! There are some countries currently excluded which include Algeria, Belarus, Chad, Chechnya, Congo DR, Cuba, Iran, Ivory Coast, Liberia, North Korea…
What is the most you will pay if I have a claim from a canceled or delayed trip, medical expenses while traveling, or a medical evacuation?
Like all insurance policies, each benefit has a maximum dollar limit based on the plan selected. You can review these on our home page, www.tmetravelinsurance.com by selecting any plan and entering your state.
Do you offer an annual coverage plan that covers all my trips over the course of a year?
For Trip Cancellation costs, you must purchase a separate policy for each trip. For Travel Medical and Medical Evacuation plans that do not include trip…
I understand you will reimburse my nonrefundable trip cancellation costs. But how does the medical expense claims process work?
Medical expense coverage for travel insurance is generally secondary or excess to one’s primary health insurance. When filing a claim for reimbursement, your…
Buying Online FAQ’s
I already bought a plan from you; how do I make changes to my policy?
If you have not departed on your trip or filed a claim, you may be able to change certain details of your plan such as, adjusting trip dates or adding eligible trip…
How do I get a copy of my policy?
When you purchase a plan, you will have an opportunity to save a copy of your plan documents after purchase. You will also receive an email with instructions on…
When will my policy become effective?
Trip Protection Plans start the day after you purchase. The other Plans will start at 12:01am on your start date or when you leave on your trip within the travel dates listed on your Plan.
If I decide to extend the duration of my trip can I also extend my insurance coverage?
In some cases you can extend or secure additional coverage if you choose to extend your trip. You can make a request by emailing (assist@tmetravelinsurance.com)…
If I decide to extend the duration of my trip can I also extend my insurance coverage?
In some cases you can extend or secure additional coverage if you choose to extend your trip. You can make a request by emailing (assist@tmetravelinsurance.com)…
What does the initial deposit date in the application mean?
Your initial deposit date is the day on which you made your first payment toward the trip. This could be a flight, hotel booking, reservation for a tour, cruise, etc…
Trip Cancellation FAQs
Cancel for any reason coverage (CFAR) sounds too good to be true? What is the catch?
CFAR is coverage that offers reimbursement for up to 75% of your trip costs when you cancel a nonrefundable trip for any reason that isn’t covered by our…
I see I can save some money by purchasing Standard Trip Cancellation Insurance, rather than the more expensive Cancel For Any Reason coverage. What is covered under the Standard Trip Cancellation policies?
On the Standard Trip Cancellation Policy, the most common covered reasons are unforeseen illness, injury, or death of either the traveler, a traveling companion…
What is Considered “Total Trip Cost” in the application?
Determine those costs by reviewing your trip reservation documents or consulting with your travel suppliers to understand which costs are non-refundable for…
What if I get in a bad car accident before my trip and my doctor says I can’t travel?
You are covered, any trip costs that are nonrefundable will be covered up to 100 percent.
What if I am laid off from my job, am I covered?
Yes, a covered reason to cancel is being laid off from your job. Please check your policy terms and conditions for full details.
Does trip insurance cover all of my cancellation fees?
Your trip cancellation coverage reimburses you for the nonrefundable costs associated with your trip such as airfare, hotel reservations, event tickets, car rentals…
Can I cancel my plan if I have not yet departed on my trip?
Your plan comes with a 10-day free look period from the date of purchase, where you can secure a full refund if your departure date has not been reached. If the…
Emergency Medical Travel Plans FAQs
I don’t need to insure my non refundable trip costs. Can I buy just a medical plan for an unexpected medical emergency?
Yes . Although Emergency Medical Expense and Medical Evacuation coverage is offered as part of our comprehensive trip insurance plans it can be purchased as…
Can I buy just medical evacuation travel insurance in case of an emergency?
Emergency medical evacuation insurance is offered as part of our comprehensive trip insurance plans or can be purchased as a standalone plan with the added…
What is the difference between medical evacuation and repatriation?
Medical repatriation typically refers to the extended treatment a patient might receive after an injury or illness and their return home via commercial air or air…
What is repatriation of remains travel insurance?
In the unfortunate event that someone dies during a trip, repatriation of remains insurance arranges for the return of that person’s remains to his or her country of origin or to a nearby funeral or cremation facility.
How do you handle Pre-Existing Medical Conditions?
You can secure a plan if you have pre-existing medical conditions, but some exclusions will apply. If during the 60 day period before you purchase your policy you…
Is Covid covered for medical expenses?
Covid is not excluded. Infectious diseases such as COVID are treated as any other illness and are not specifically excluded from any of TME Travel Insurance plans.
Is Covid covered for emergency evacuations?
It is important to keep in mind that not all hospitalizations for accidents or illness, including COVID, will warrant a medical evacuation. But if a medical evacuation is warranted, you are covered.
When is a Medical Evacuation warranted?
If a more serious or critical condition warrants a medical evacuation per the terms of the plan, a medical evacuation will take place. A medical evacuation…
What happens if I am required to quarantine at my destination due to an infectious disease such as Covid?
If you test positive and are directed by a physician or the authorities to quarantine and are unable to fly home, then Trip Delay coverage may provide coverage for…
I have USA Health Insurance from my employer…. why would I need your Medical Expense coverage?
Although one’s primary medical insurance may have some coverage for medical emergencies when traveling, these coverages may be limited and are subject to…
How do I file a claim for Emergency Medical Expenses?
Complete the appropriate form on our Claims Page and submit it to the company. To expedite your reimbursement, answer all the questions and provide all the…
What if my trip is extended because I am hospitalized at my destination?
If your trip is extended because of a covered medical emergency, we will automatically extend your coverage period until the earlier of when you are able to return…
If I am medically evacuated what happens to my family or traveling companions who are covered under my plan?
TME Travel Protection plans will assist your companion or dependents to join you at the hospital you have been evacuated to or place of origin via a regularly…
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